You must be a registered user and logged in. If you are not a registered user, please click here. If you are a registered user but not logged in, please log in. Select “Post Advert” then complete the form. You can also upgrade your wedding dress ad to be a “featured dress” as one of those at the top of our home page, or to be the first result shown in a search category, or as a bordered ad - all for a one off additional fee. There is no commission payable. You can then add further listings if you have other items to sell such as veils, tiaras, bridesmaids dresses and Mother of the Bride outfits. You can login and edit your ad or photos at any time. 

Prices to list your wedding dress:

There are 2 ad period options: 

  1. £10 for 6 months - ideal for those who are selling current, well known and sought after dress model/style numbers, or those sellers who have priced their dress very reasonably.
  2. £15 for 12 months – our recommended option.


Promotional ad prices for wedding dresses (the promotion is valid for the duration of your ad period)

First – your ad will be published first in a relevant search result’s list of ads - £10

Special – your ad will be published in the selection of ads at the top of the home page - £10

Border – your ad will have a border around it to stand out from the other search results - £5

Price for bridesmaid dresses, flower girl dresses or Mother of the Bride outfits

£5 (per item), for 6 months.

Price per any other items ie: veil, tiara, shoes, or wedding accessories

£3 (per item), for 6 months.

Once you have added your items, you can checkout and pay. You can pay via debit/credit card or Paypal. Please note that your listings will not be published until payment is received and your listing has been checked to ensure that it meets our publishing guidelines.

You will get a reminder close to the ad renewal time and can relist for a further period. If your dress has not been relisted after the renewal reminder it will be removed.


How will I receive enquiries about my wedding dress?

Email enquiries will come via the form on your ad.


How do I know if an enquiry is genuine?

Please ensure you read our "selling safely" page so that you are aware of typical scam email wording that is unfortunately common across internet sales sites such as ebay, Gumtree and many other sites around the world. If you are in any doubt please contact before parting with a payment to a buyer. Potential buyers will contact you via our form to maintain your privacy - please don't put your email address or phone number in your advert. Please be aware that scammers text sellers nowadays - SMWD will never text a seller so please refer to our selling safely page if you get a text apparently from us. 

How to create an enticing ad for your wedding dress

Please view our blog to see how to create an effective ad for your wedding dress.